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in the Park


Shakespeare Acting Workshop

in the Park


Twelfth Night

"What country, friends, is this!"  

Welcome to Vienna Shakespeare in the Park, your English acting workshops in the heart of Vienna, Austria

a peek inside

"Why does Viola flirt with Olivia?  Does she realise she's doing it? Is her empathy with Olivia's situation making her accidentally flirt?  As an actor, it's your job to decide...because with that decision, we come to understand your character."


moving with the text

These characters are supposed to be alive.  They're meant to jump around and interrupt and talk directly to the audience.  
So we get up on our feet - and bring it to life. 

"If music be the food of love, play on. Give me excess of it that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken and so die. "
Emo Drama Boy!
Duke Orsino


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